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Mobility Element

The Mobility Element (formally referred to as the "Circulation Element") provides the framework for decisions concerning the city’s multimodal transportation system, which includes roadway, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and rail modes of travel. The Mobility Element provides for coordination with Los Angeles Metro (Metro), which serves as the coordinating agency for transportation funding for Los Angeles County. The City's Mobility Element was last comprehensively updated in 1998 and since that time, the City has continued to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability and multimodal mobility. 

State law requires the Mobility Element to address the general location and extent of existing and proposed major thoroughfares, transportation routes, terminals, military airports and ports, and other public utilities and facilities, to the extent these items exist in the planning area. The Mobility Element reflects the City’s desire to provide for complete street, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities and explore the application of new technologies and best practices for mobility planning in Glendale. The Mobility Element will provide a citywide framework that supports the mobility needs of all users and abilities. 

The effort to update the City's Mobility Element will include the following tasks:

  • Review of Existing Mobility Policy Framework

  • Creation of new Mobility Goals, Policies, and Programs 

  • Update to the City's Roadway Classifications and Mobility Exhibits

  • Preparation of a Traffic Flow Map 

  • Preparation of a Public Review Draft Mobility Element

  • Presentation of the Public Review Draft Mobility Element to Planning Commission and City Council

  • Adoption of a new Mobility Element 

Mobility Element Timeline

Information regarding the City's current Circulation Element can be found on the City of Glendale's General Plan website.  

Related Mobility Projects

Transportation Guidelines

As required under Senate Bill (SB) 743, the City must transform the way it analyzes transportation/traffic impacts resulting from new development in Glendale and has updated its Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines to analyze Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT). VMT is the new lens for assessing transportation impacts on the environment for projects subject to environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 


Transportation Impact Mitigation Fee

As a measure to help mitigate the transportation impacts resulting from new development, the City will conduct a nexus study and analyze best practices to develop a Transportation Impact Mitigation Fee ordinance and fee schedule. Fees collected would fund transportation infrastructure and facility improvement projects throughout the City.

Active Transportation Program (ATP) - Cycle 6

ATP’s goals are to increase the proportion of trips accomplished by walking and biking, increasing the safety and mobility of non-motorized users, advance regional efforts to achieve greenhouse gas reduction goals, enhance public health, and provide a broad spectrum of projects to benefit everyone in the region. A list of plans related to ATP Cycle 6 can be found here.

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